Firstly, welcome to our website. Thank you for taking the time to pay us a visit.

After a combined 65 years working as service providers in the global mobility world, we decided to think about doing something different.

To help us we used the concept of Ikigai. Ikigai is a Japanese concept which means “reason for being”. Iki translates to “life” and gai to “value” or “worth”. Once found it brings a sense of purpose and inspires you to jump out of bed every morning full of energy and enthusiasm, well almost every morning! 

We are both accredited coaches and became excited at the prospect of exploring how coaching could be harnessed to improve the experience of Global Mobility stakeholders, including  members of the mobility team, assignees themselves, and professionals within the global mobility industry.

As we reflected further, we thought about what else, in addition to coaching, had made the biggest difference to us, enabling us to operate at our best. 

We thought about what made us feel most valued, enabling us to operate at our best. We thought of the investments that were made in us to help us better understand ourselves and what made us tick. We thought about how we were able to motivate and get the best out of others, so improving the level of the performance for ourselves, our teams and our businesses.  

As we put the pieces of the puzzle together, we developed the concept of “Complete Wellness” – a holistic program that enables people to reflect on five key areas: physical, mental, financial, work and life wellness.

How we will combine Global Mobility, Coaching and Wellness to create our Ikigai.

We will continue to use our expertise to work with clients to solve complex global mobility challenges. As accredited coaches, we also want to combine our subject matter knowledge with our coaching expertise to enable global mobility professionals and teams to achieve their best.

And we believe that the elements that can really move the dial are the components of Complete Wellness, a new and exciting proposition that we will soon be bringing to market. Click through to our page on wellness in global mobility to find out more /wellness-in-global-mobility/

Want to find out more?  Drop us a line via the contact page on our website, or email us directly. /contact/

We’d love to hear from you!

Always seek professional advice based on actual circumstances before acting.